TOTLB 496 Spiderman Comics

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Every once in a while we have to slow the show down, in order to try something new, and something that we think would be fun. This is one of those shows!! Don’t get me wrong, slow for us, doesn’t mean boring, it just means something different. I recently signed up for the CLZ comic book app, and we wouldn’t to go through some of my Spider-Man comic books!

“The Amazing Spider-Man is an ongoing American superhero comic book series featuring the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man as its title character and main protagonist. Being in the mainstream continuity of the franchise, it was the character’s first title, launching seven months after his introduction in the final issue of Amazing Fantasy. The series began publication with a March 1963 cover date and has been published nearly continuously to date over six volumes with only one significant interruption. Issues of the title currently feature an issue number within its sixth volume, as well as a “legacy” number reflecting the issue’s overall number across all Amazing Spider-Man volumes. The title reached 900 issues in 2022.”

We go through and add every Spider-Man comic book that I have between 0-199. We get to talk about some of the covers, and some of the plot lines! Next time we’ll go through less books, but this was such a fun and different episode!

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Credit – Doyle Daniels, Juan Muro, Alicia Muro