TOTLB 518 The Fall of the House of Usher

Today’s episode was a suggestion from Doyle. When I first heard him talk about it, I took it much to literal, and thought I’d be watching something about Usher, the singer. Instead, I got something WAY better. We are talking about the Netflix series, The Fall of the House of Usher! 

“Siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built a pharmaceutical company into an empire of wealth, privilege and power; however, secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying.”

This mini series is adapted from an Edgar Allen Poe novel, and it is SO good! There is a lot to the story, some creepy twists and turns, as well as some to e where you will have to hold back tears. If you have nit watched this yet, you definitely need to take the time to binge it!

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Credit – Doyle Daniels, Juan Muro, Alicia Muro