Jupiter’s Legacy Season 2 Cancelled

Jupiter's Legacy - Netflix
We are only a couple of weeks removed from when we spoke about Jupiter’s Legacy, with an interview dropping soon, with Humberly Gonzalez, and just like everyone else, we got the news that season two won’t be moving forward. On Wednesday, Netflix officially pulled the plug after barely more than a month of Jupiter’s Legacy being released. It was a punch to the gut of the whole cast:
“I’m gutted,” bemoaned co-star Andrew Horton (AKA Brandon Sampson) on Instagram early Thursday. “Jupiter’s Legacy was a once in a lifetime experience, and one I will never forget. I’m sad and sorry that we don’t get to continue this journey. I feel as though we had barely scratched the surface with this one, but as the inimitable Jim Carey once said. “That’s the way the cookie crumbles.’”
“I stand with my brothers in arms,” co-star Leslie Bibb (AKA Grace Sampson) wrote on Instagram beneath a photo of her cast mates. “This union is something i believe in and i will miss wholeheartedly. [I] love you friends.”
If there is one little glimmer of good news that came out of the cancellation, it’s that there will still be a Jupiter’s Legacy, in universe, spinoff, that is scheduled to be released in the future. Instead of focusing on the hardships, and the struggles of the good guys, Supercrooks will be a villain themed series! Though, it will feature a brand new cast, there is always hope, that if Supercrooks does well, they may loop back around to a season two of Jupiter’s Legacy.