GUMAA: The Beginning of Her

enter Images Courtesy of Titan Comics

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enter Titan Comics is proud to announce that it will be publishing  Buy Xanax 10 Mg Jeehyung Lee’s neo-noir series,  Cheap Valium Online GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER.  After gaining popularity on Kickstarter, this seven-part thriller will finally be available in comic shops from December 2023. GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER marks the original comic debut of superstar cover artist Jeehyung Lee, who has worked for the likes of Marvel Comics and DC.

Buy 2 Mg Diazepam Online Uk GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER takes place in a 1980s, crime-ridden Hell. When young KHALIDA attempts to escape from an influential and sinister drug syndicate, she discovers an ancient blade in a long-abandoned temple. Using its power, Khalida becomes the GODDESS OF THE CITY, controlling the citizens through dark magic and fear.


Buy Mexican Xanax Online But events are being manipulated against her from the shadows, targeting Khalida. A final action-packed confrontation will reawaken the ancient war and change the balance of power between HEAVEN AND HELL… FOREVER.

source site GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER is perfect for fans of edgy, supernatural stories. From its short time on Kickstarter, the series has already picked up a loyal and enthusiastic fanbase.  Among them is multi-Eisner winning comic writer, James Tynion IV (Joker War, Something is Killing the Children, The Department of Truth), who calls GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER “an urban fantasy, laced with horror and noir, brought to incredible life with Jeehyung’s phenomenal artwork”.

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Buy Valium Pills Online Jeehyung Lee himself promises readers a series with both depth and excitement: “When you’re reading GUMAA, I hope you’re thinking about the choices these characters make, and whether you might do things the same way or do things totally different. The way these characters navigate their path through these horrific events is what makes them who they are”.

source url The debut issue of GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER hits comic shops on December 6, 2023, with covers by Peach Momoko Sozomaika Order Alprazolam Overnight Ben Oliver, and Jeehyung Lee. Fans can pick up a copy from their local comic shop and Forbidden Planet for UK & Europe.

Buy Valium 2Mg Uk Credit: Juan Muro, & Alicia Muro