Which one is Rey? A Star Trek Discovery review

Which one is Rey?
That’s what my 5-year-old daughter Serenity asked me when we sat down to watch the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery.
I had to explain that this was Star Trek, not Star Wars. She was a bit confused and finally decided that Michael was most like Rey. She enjoyed the opening scene and the opening credit sequence. She was ready to sing along like on Enterprise, but no lyrics yet.
Everything about episodes one “The Vulcan Hello” and two “Battle at the Binary Stars” seemed the same, but different. There seemed to be a checklist of what makes Star Trek, Star Trek, and everything was checked off.
My first impression was this was Star Trek made by people that do not really know Star Trek, but since I have Immersed myself I’m the behind the scenes videos on the CBS app for the last few days I know everyone involved is huge Star Trek fans. So I think I was judging a little unfairly on my first watch. I didn’t get that feeling on the next viewings.
The Klingons. I like the idea that the 24 different houses have different looks, but I feel like the new makeup choices seem to invalidate all the Klingon lore that has come before. Most notably Worf played by Michael Dorn. I think it would have been okay if one of the holographic Klingons looked anything like a Klingon. As for my personal opinion on the makeup, it’s amazing looking, they just don’t look like Klingons. Also, the silicone seems so thick that the actors’ performances can’t show through.
The first two episodes were as Matt Mira said on After Trek (great show, worth getting the CBS app just for that) a two-hour cold open. I was confused by the Discovery ship not being in the first two episodes, but after the conclusion of episode two, I completely got it.
What they did with these opening episodes was set up a story as most Trek pilots do, and then blow everything up, and turn everything on its ear. The deaths of two major cast members in these episodes are new and unique. Voyager did it, but they didn’t advertise those cast members to be main characters. I think it was surprising and well done. It seems to me that they will be back as there are at least 3 time periods that will be focused on for season one.
Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael did really well. I enjoyed her performance and I think she will be amazing to watch as the lead in this ensemble. She embodies the modern female. Smart, strong, and beautiful.
The most exciting part for me was seeing what is upcoming on this season. We saw glimpses of the Discovery, and crew members we haven’t met yet. I’m most looking forward to seeing Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz.
The upcoming episodes to me, look more like the newer incarnation of Battlestar Galactica, just with the lights on.
Compared to the other Star Trek pilots this ranks high on my list. It’s right on par with the opening of Enterprise “Broken Bow”
For everyone saying or worrying that Discovery wasn’t or wouldn’t be Star Trek, I think “The Vulcan Hello“ and “Battle at the Binary Stars” proved everyone wrong. This is Star Trek.
Hopefully, CBS does for Star Trek what Disney did for Star Wars, and my little girl Serenity can dress up as Lt. Cmdr Michael Burnham and wear Star Trek: Discovery pajamas.
“An amazing job by all, well done! 5/5 delta shields.”
Thinking Outside The Longbox
<3 Albie 20170925CE