Join The Long Box Crew In Their First Ever Pin-Up Calendar

The time has come Longboxers. We are working on our first ever TOTLB pinup calendar! Over the next few weeks, we will be looking for 8 people to fill out the ranks of our calendar. Male and female of all shapes and sizes are welcome.

All of the models will be by volunteer, as this is the first of a kind project for us. BUT our photographer, Anna (photos in the post are hers), has been gracious enough to give us all of the photos that come out of each of the sessions. Any of the photos that feature you will be yours to keep and use as you please (with proper credit to the photographer given), whether that be a gift for your significant other, images for your portfolio, or just something that stare at in your room…cold…and alone. We will be choosing one of your photos for use in the calendar and we will make sure to credit you in it (with all relevant contact information if you would like).

This is a pin-up calendar, and we will all be taking pictures at the same time, so be aware that if you are overly modest this may not be something that you want to participate in (unless it is on your bucket list or something), you will be asked to pose in pin-up fashion and attire (that more likely than not will come from your own collection, so that you are at your most comfortable) under the direction of a hired photographer (not just us screwing around with a camera).
So if you would like to join the rest of the Longbox crew in our adventure into low brow smut, and you are willing to travel to Northern Colorado, then send your contact information and a picture of yourself (please no nudes, a normal picture will suffice) to: and we will consider you for inclusion.