New Comics for October 10th 2018
Man this week is HUGE! Plus this Saturday, October 13th is Walking Dead Day, so make sure you swing by your local comic shop to pick up some black bagged exclusive covers, reprints of issue #1, and some really cool swag to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the comic! Lets get to it!
From DC this week, foil covers continue! Also, Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1 hits the racks! Horror! Death! Uh…Face-punching! Witness ten all-new stories that promise to be the most terrifying, most shocking and most horrific comic that DC Comics has ever published! (Hyperbole much?) Batman, Wonder Woman, Guy Gardner, Swamp Thing, Zatanna and more of your favorite heroes face unspeakable horrors from the streets of Gotham City to the darkest sectors of the universe.
Also from DC this week, Flash #56 hits the rack! Things are about to get hot-very hot!-when Flash has to battle fire monsters generated by his longtime nemesis, Heat Wave. Unfortunately, the pilot light blew out in Mick Rory’s head, because he’s comatose from the effects of the Sage Force! How can the Scarlet Speedster reach his old frenemy and get him to put out the fire monsters? Looks like Commander Cold takes a demotion…so he can pretend to be Captain Cold and talk Heat Wave down!
From Image this week, a new title called Infinite Dark #1 hits the racks! The universe ended, but onboard the void station Orpheus, a skeleton crew of humanity survived: the last two thousand souls, waiting for a second big bang that may never come. Now, two years into their voyage, Security Director Deva Karrell investigates the station’s first murder-and the otherworldly motives behind it.
Also from Image this week, from DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, the creator of the Eisner-nominated series EXTREMITY, comes MURDER FALCON! The world is under attack by monsters, and Jake’s life is falling apart: no band, no girl, no future… until he meets Murder Falcon. He was sent from The Heavy to destroy all evil, but he can’t do it without Jake shredding up a storm. Now, with every chord Jake plays on his guitar, the power of metal fuels Murder Falcon into all-out kung fu fury on those that seek to conquer Earth.
From Marvel this week, Namor is back in Avengers #9! WORLD WAR BELOW!With the underwater world on the brink of war, the Avengers go aquatic to save the day, but air-breathers are no longer welcome in the undersea city of Atlantis. And Namor, the Sub-Mariner, lord of the seven seas, has a bold new plan that will change the balance of power on Earth forever.
Spider Geddon continues with issue #1 hitting stands this week! REVENGE OF THE SPIDER-VERSE! Back in 2014, SPIDER-VERSE brought every Spider-Man ever together. This event spinning out of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #800 has Christos Gage and Dan Slott teaming up to destroy them all. The Inheritors have somehow gotten out of their radioactive prison planet and made their way to the Marvel Universe. It’s going to take a whole Spider-Army to keep them from TAKING IT ALL! Starring Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Spider-Woman, the Spider-Man from the anticipated video game and, well, every Spider-Man and Spider-Woman ever, including some brand-new ones! With Jorge Molina on art, the END OF ALL SPIDERS never looked so good!
Star Wars Solo Adaptation #1 (of 7) blasts onto racks this week! FEATURING BACKSTORY AND SCENES NOT SEEN IN THEATERS! After leaving the IMPERIAL NAVY, a young HAN SOLO seeks adventure by joining a gang of galactic mercenaries – including a 196-year-old Wookiee named CHEWBACCA and a notorious gambler named LANDO CALRISSIAN. But there’s more to the story of the galaxy’s most beloved scoundrel than what you saw in theaters. Why does BECKETT trust him? And what is the connection between the woman who stole Han’s heart and one of Han’s closest friends?
Another one-shot kicks off some new What If’s this week with What if? Punisher #1! WITH GREAT POWER…When Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben is ruthlessly killed by a burglar Peter let escape, he vows to never let the same fate befall another innocent bystander. From then on, he stands as a figure of cold retribution. Criminals beware – the guilty caught in this spider’s web will be PUNISHED. But will Parker stand triumphant…or shattered by this twist of fate? The friendly neighborhood takes a different turn in this WHAT IF? adventure, positing a very different sense of responsibility for the man who will be known as THE PUNISHER, as his battles against villains like the GREEN GOBLIN take a new path!
Lastly from Marvel this week, X-Men Black continues with X-Men Black Mojo #1! THE SPINELESS SHOWMAN TAKES CENTER STAGE! That’s right – that most successful producer ever to pack the cross-time airwaves, the man himself, MOJO, has yet another plan in place the boost his ratings at the X-Men’s expense! And I’m sure he would say it’s THE MOST IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK YOU’LL EVER READ! PLUS: Part 2 of X-MEN BLACK: APOCALYPSE!
From AfterShock this week a new sci-fi series makes its debut with The Last Space Race #1! It started as an anomaly. An outlier in the noise that’s so common in astronomical data. But the truth sends the United States-and the world-careening into what will become humanity’s LAST SPACE RACE. Leading the effort for the United States is one man, Sasha Balodis. A fun-loving tech billionaire turned aerospace titan, Sasha’s seemingly perfect life has been gripped by recent trage-dy. Building and launching the most expensive, most ambitious and most important project in history-well, it gives him something to live for again. There’s only one thing standing in his way: his arch-rival and chief aerospace competitor, Roger Freeman.
From Black Mask Comics this week, a new horror title makes its debut with Devil Within #1 (of 4). Paranormal entities. Demonic possessions. Or is it madness? When newly engaged Michelle and Samantha move into an old house, Michelle starts experiencing disturbing events… rogue reflections in mirrors, strange apparitions, and an errie voice only she can hear. Samantha doesn’t believe in ghosts, but the alternative might be even more terrifying in this hauntingly paranoid thriller
Here is your complete list:
Dark Horse
Joe Golem #2 the Drowning City
Quantum Age From the World of Black Hammer #3
She Could Fly #4
Catwoman #4
Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1
Detective Comics #990
Flash #56
Hawkman #5
House of Whispers #2
Plastic Man #5
Red Hood Outlaw #27
Scooby Apocalypse #30
Suicide Squad #47
Supergirl #23
Superman #4
Titans #27
Wildstorm Michael Cray #12
Wonder Woman #56
Dread Gods #4
Impossible Inc #2
Magica De Spell Giant Halloween Hex
My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1
Star Wars Tales From Vaders Castle #2
Tangled Hair Raising Adventures #1
Transformers Unicron #5
Beauty #24
Birthright #32
Bully Wars #2
Crowded #3
Farmhand #4
Hey Kids Comics #3
Infinite Dark #1
Kick Ass #8
Murder Falcon #1
Oblivion Song #8
Outpost Zero #4
Rose #13
Sleepless #8
Unnatural #4
Walking Dead #1 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #2 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #7 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #19 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #27 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #48 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #53 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #92 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #98 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #100 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #108 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #127 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #132 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #167 Blind Bag
Walking Dead #171 Blind Bag
Weatherman #5
Amazing Spider Man #7
Avengers #9
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #25
Captain America #4
Domino #7
Exiles #9
Iceman #2
Immortal Hulk #7
Infinity Wars #4
Ms Marvel #35
Spider Geddon #1
Spider Man Deadpool #40
Star Wars Solo Adaptation #1
True Believers What If Doom Had Become a Hero #1
True Believers What If Spider Man Had Rescued Gwen Stacy #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #37
Venom #7
What If? Punisher #1
X-23 #5
X-Men Black Mojo #1
Action Lab
Dollface #16
Zombie Tramp Ongoing #53
AfterShock Comics
Animostity #16
Hot Lunch Special #3
Last Space Race #1
Moth & Whisper #2
Ahoy Comics
Wrong Earth #2
Albatross Funnybooks
Spookhouse 2 #2
Amigo Comics
Apocalypse Girl #4
Phantasmagoria #1
Archie Comics
Archies Halloween Spectacular #1
Betty & Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #267
Jughead the Hunger #9
Aspen MLT
Artifact One #1
Black Mask Comics
Black AF Widows & Orphans #3
Devil Within #1
Oh Shit Its Kim & Kim #3
We Are Danger #3
Wilds #5
Boom! Studios
Adventure Time Season 11 #1
Amory Wars Good Apollo #12
Go Go Power Rangers #13
Ruinworld #4
Dynamite Entertainment
Game of Thrones Clash of Kings #13
Project Superpowers #3
Red Sonja Tarzan #5
Drawn & Quarterly
Fielder #1
Lion Forge
Catalyst Prime Astonisher #11
Voltron Legendary Defender Vol 3 #4
Mad Cave Studios
Midnight Task Force #4
Oni Press
Shadow Roads #4
Rebellion Developments
Dredd Final Judgement #1
Sniper Elite Resistance #2
Titan Comics
Deadlife #2
Elric White Wolf #2
Newbury & Hobbes #2
Robotech #13
Shades of Magic #1
United Plankton Pictures
Spongebob Comics #85
Vailiant Entertainment
Ninja-K #12
Black Knight #1
Grimm Fairy Tales #21