Denver Comic Con TOMORROW!
Well, our first Comic Con of our working season is tomorrow!! Denver Comic Con is FINALLY here!! With more than 100,000 people expected, it is sure to be a crazy, but amazing time!! There will be more than 200 celebrities, artists, authors, and more than 600 hours of different panels/programs. We will even be moderating 6 different panels!! With Denver Comic Con being tomorrow, here are some tips, information, etc. about the show, that you might need to know!
To promote a quicker and more streamlined entry process, Denver Comic Con has implemented Flash Seats, an ID-based digital ticketing system that allows guests to enter the event with an ID, the credit card used to purchase tickets or with the Flash Seats mobile app, which also allows guests to sell, buy, and transfer tickets. For more on Flash Seats, visit:
Even with the new, more efficient ticketing system, guests should plan for lines, particularly for some of the more popular events, sessions and guests. Entry lines will be longest when the Con opens at 10 a.m. each day, with the longest lines of the weekend expected on Saturday.
Early badge pick-up will be available Thursday, Jun. 14 at the Colorado Convention Center from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. at the entrance near 13th St. & Welton St.
Denver Comic Con’s top priority is the welfare and safety of guests. With that in mind, DCC staff works closely with the Denver Police Department and security contractors throughout the year on a variety of measures to enhance guest safety at the event, including training, bag checks and prop checks throughout the weekend.
Please note that the 2018 cosplay guidelines have been updated, and NO prop firearms will be permitted. Guests seeking the optimal fan experience are encouraged to carry in as little as possible with them. Minimizing outside items will expedite security checks and maximize efficiency at points of entry. For details about prop and cosplay guidelines, visit:
General Event Info
Denver Comic Con is one of Denver’s largest consumer conventions, and a program of Pop Culture Classroom, a Denver-based non-profit that brings education and literacy programs to classrooms throughout the Denver metro-area. Last year’s con brought in more than 110,000 attendees and reached all corners of pop culture including film, television, comic books, tabletop and video games, anime, manga, cosplay, horror and science fiction and web comics.”
Remember everyone! Denver Comic Con kicks off tomorrow, June 15th through Sunday June 17th. The doors will open at 10am and close at 7pm, except on Sunday, when the show floor closes at 6pm! All the fun is at the Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th Street, Denver, CO 80202. This year there are TWO entrances for guests with tickets. You can enter via:
14th Street & Stout Street
13th Street & Welton Street
“The con also features more 10,000 sq. ft. of floor space dedicated to the Kid’s Lab. A space for kids and teens to explore pop culture through projects and talks from industry luminaries.” We personally have had our kids want to stay in the kid’s lab for HOURS! There are different activities and panels catered just for them, and it’s loads of fun!!
TICKETS: Ticket prices start at $38.50 for adults and $8.25 for children. 3-day passes are sold out, and single-day tickets are moving quickly, but still availability. You can purchase your tickets here if you have not done so yet!
Follow Denver Comic Con on their social media:
Document all of your fun using the hashtag #dcc2018
If you see us, stop us to record some content for our show! We hope to see everyone there!!