Floppy Copy – Action Comics 1000


I feel like Floppy Copy needs a rap theme, or like a poetical entrance to appease the senses. I’m also super tired… That ITIS has got me. Side note, don’t go looking for random terms or jokes in old clips of Chappell show unless you wanna burn three hours of your life away. Side note el numero dos, KFC makes one damn good Pot Pie! Now as far as reliable sources for what constitutes a good or bad pot pie I’m probably near the bottom of that list. Other than KFC my references are microwavable and that one time the mom of a white girl I was dating had me over for dinner… So far KFC is champion! Sorry random lady, I do not remember your name!

We sure as fuck aren’t hear to talk bout pie, pot or otherwise. We’re hear for them floppies and the review of their contents. And again I must leave you wanting, as for this week and my obvious and void leaving absence of content last week I must apologize. Work is currently consuming my soul. Also I am preparing a very special three part edition of Floppy Copy for next week. Me so sorry, Sadly That’s about all the time I have for comics until Monday cometh!

However I wasn’t gonna leave you little guppies a wanting two weeks in a row, I mean that is kind of exactly what I am doing but for a damn good reason my friends! We are living in monumental times and fast approaching something I must say I am far, far too excited for…

Action Comics #1000, and in case that number doesn’t resonate with you, if you were to read one issue of Action comics every 10 minutes, it would take you roughly 69 straight days to consume them all… that’s a lot of Superman for your ass! I in no way guarantee that math at all, and this weeks Floppy Copy is pretty much here filling up space for my 3 favorite superman stories of all time coming next week and ending with an amazing giveaway!

My very own copy of Action Comics 1000 blank cover variant with custom art by good friend of both Floppy Copy and TOTLB the Agrovated Artist himself Tim Husky! I’m not even gonna read it first unless you want me to… could be hot! Hell I’ll even mail that b*tch overseas, for free! Even if you don’t live overseas Ill just send this thing to china if that’s what you want! It will be yours mother f*cker!

So join us Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for, count em, three all new superman themed Floppy Copy reviews from my brain to yours; you may want take some antibiotics in advance, you have been warned!

One last request, please get out there and support your local comic book store by joining in on whatever special release activities of Action Comics #1000 they are planning. I have seen many many comic book stores all over Facebook announcing there individual events and all the super cool stuff they have planned for this super sweet milestone for our favorite non bird, non plane, interstellar orphan. And if you happen to be local join myself and Agrovated Artist, Tim Husky at Hall of Justice Comics Tuesday April 17th for What is sure to be a super fun Midnight Release of Action Comics #1000. Don’t forget to wear your red underwear!

Contest requirements and entry information coming Monday the 16th on the first of 3 very special editions of Floppy Copy.

Doyle Out!

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