Colorado Springs Comic Con, First Timer
Day one wrap up, from a first timer… by Jeremiah Draughn
I walked in with only one goal in mind-get Scott Wilson to sign my SDCC headless Hershel pop! I was welcomed in by Juan from Thinking Outside the LongBox and ushered passed the entrance line, the line stretched across the front of the event center. Juan gave me a quick rundown of the layout and sent me out into the wild.
I spent the first hour wandering around and scoping out the venue, taking mental of the things I needed to buy. I was hunting for venom comic books and old, exclusive funko pops. I made my mental checklist and moved on to the celebrity area … then I saw Hershel(Scott Wilson), with his head of course. I jumped into his line and was waved over by his rep, paid for the autograph and waited my turn. When I got to him, I was hoping he would just sign the pop and move me through the line because I was so nervous. But then, when he started to talk to me, I realized, he’s just a normal person too. He asked me some generic questions about where I’m from and things like that and made me feel very comfortable. He signed my pop and that was that!
And then I wandered again…walking through the celebrity paddock, it was awesome to see all of them interacting with their fans. And next, I found myself passing Joe St. Pierre’s booth in the artist alley. I noticed him working on a venom sketch and I had to have it! Chatting with him, the sketch wasn’t sold yet so he told me to come back in 30 minutes to see the final product.
Back to wandering…I met up with Juan and Gabe to watch them interview vendors and artists. I photographed and helped document their interviews, but the anticipation of the sketch was killing me. I dragged them along with me back to Joe’s booth. The sketch was MARVELous!
The day wrapped up with us at the Judge Reinhold panel. It was enjoyable to hear stories of his experiences during his early years of Fast times at Ridgemont High and Beverly Hills Cop. And that was it! Oh…poison hot sauce is hot. Now it’s time for day two.